The Heart of GTCFC
We are a Fellowship of Love & Empowerment. We are commited to be a church where all people may be free. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. We are committed to The Fellowship always being a ministry
where a fallen person is lifted up,
where a lost person is found;
where the guilty find compassion and forgiveness;
where the innocent find protection and security;
where the poor, disadvantaged and indigent learn prosperiy;
where the weak find strength;
where the rich find direction and fulfillment;
where the sick find healing;
where the young and old discover purpose,
where all learn the faith of God and overcome every untoward situation;
and where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are magnified above all.
The heart of The Fellowship is love for God and His people. We recognize all people as God's people. Not just those who profess a hope in Him. The heart of our love to God is worship. The heart of worship, of course, is prayer and exhaltation.
At the Fellowship, it is our joy to bring the needs, desires, and concerns of God's people to His throne at each service, and expect miracles in return.
When you attend the Fellowship, you attend a place where people are concerned about your situation and circumstances and want to help you find answers to life's complex problems through prayer and the Word of God.
When the call is made at worship for special prayer, feel free to come forward and expect your miracle from God. God wants, and we want you to be free. If you have any further questions feel free to email us at info@gtcfc.org.